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The National Betting Authority in collaboration with the National Gaming and Casino Supervision Commission, are organizing the 1st Responsible Gaming Awareness week (RGAW), which will be held on 8th till the 14th October 2018 in Cyprus, with the contribution of all stakeholders of the gaming industry in Cyprus.
The RGAW 2018 is the first edition of this initiative and its primary goal is to mobilize all actors to take action in regards to responsible gaming practices and raise public awareness on the topic of responsible gaming, as well as engage and mobilize the wider society and protect the public from problematic gambling behaviour.
The week 8-14 October 2018, is designed to inform society about what it means to gamble responsibly, self-protection measures, minimising negative consequences from gambling activities, treatment centres and facilities that exist for problem gambling, and in a broader sense how to keep gambling a fun activity.
During the week, there will be events all over Cyprus that will mobilize and inform all relevant stakeholders. The complete schedule for the Responsible Gaming Awareness Week events is available at
The ultimate goal of the first Responsible Gaming Awareness Week is to become a platform for discussion and constructive dialogue between various stakeholders of the Cypriot society and the gambling industry regarding responsible gaming practices, and eventually become a cross-industry and community wide institution where it will get people talking about responsible gaming: gambling venues staff, players, family, friends, wider community.
The theme for this year’s Responsible Gaming Awareness Week is “Let’s keep it a game”.
We invite the audience to actively participate to the events that will take place during the week, such as presentations, training seminars, experiential workshops, interactive games, etc., in order to get information about Responsible Gaming.